Well…how could we start this?
First, I think I should introduce myself, I’m Ana Claudia, my good friend and partner is Olivia, and before I tell you a little about us, I would like to say that Olivia and I are above all, strong believers of something very simple: one should enjoy what he or she does and one should really enjoy where he or she lives!!
We are enjoying very much this new adventure in our lives, this new way of improving, practicing and learning English yes, because we always learn something new in our immersion as well!
Olivia and I come from different backgrounds and that for me is another great point of our immersion; Olivia has a British up bringing and that charming accent of course! I have a totally north American accent from Canada, which for most Canadian born would be certainly mentioned.
Olivia grew up with a British mother and a German father, at home they would speak mostly English and some German.
My immediate family and I have been living in Canada since the 1970s, we’ve been back and forth a few times, as you can see I am here now!
Nowadays we are both English Teachers, I have taught on and off since 1993 and I’m not quite sure since when Olivia has been teaching but, indeed I know it’s been a while!
We are both certified with The CAE Certificate (Certificate in Advanced English) from Cambridge University.
I moved back to Brazil two years ago, and Olivia and I were always talking and trying to come up with something that would combine the appeal that Ubatuba has with learning in a non traditional way.
Our goal was to attract anyone that had already studied or learned English, that had traveled abroad or just needed to maintain the language.
We started meeting every three weeks or so with a group in the evening, we would chose a theme or topic to experience it in English.
Here are some of the many themes we have done: We watch movies and discuss it afterwards, with popcorn! It always turned out into a good debate!
We have some reading sessions. This is great to enrich your vocabulary!
How well do you know these famous songs? To fill in the blanks. This is another fun activity!
Cooking classes!! This is my favorite!! We cook together, we eat together, we sip on wine and we chat, it’s always a lovely evening! You wouldn’t believe how much you can learn in a cooking class!
The events were becoming so popular that friends and participants from Ubatuba started telling people in Sao Paulo and other cities.
“Immerse Yourself” now offers Weekend Immersions, we book a house, usually in the northshore of Ubatuba and IMMERSE OURSELVES IN ENGLISH FOR THE WEEKEND with breathtaking views all around us!!
I would say this is the new approach in keeping your English sharp and your leisure!
For our next Immerse Yourself Weekend program including schedules, activities, dates, rate and forms of payment, please consult our BLOG.